Hotel Tries Translating 'Meatball' in English, Ends Up Killing a Guy Named Paul

You’ve probably seen a lot of fails in your life. Some might be funny, but others might be serious. But perhaps the funniest are the ones that came from ignorance and/or stupidity.

This is exactly what happened to a hotel in Iraq. The staff tried to translate the names of dishes into English, but the result turned out to be devastating.

The hotel is none other than the Erbil International Hotel, which is known for its exquisite amenities and fine dining. They attempted to translate a word into “meatball,” but they printed “Paul is dead.”

Whoever this Paul is, may he rest in peace.

The translation fail was captured by a hotel guest named Hend Amry. Unable to resist the temptation, she decided to share it on Twitter. As expected, it was quickly picked-up by the people of the Internet realm.

According to Amry, the Arabic transliteration of “meatball” in English sounded like “mayit baul.” Or, in this case, “Dead Paul.”

One commenter had this to say:

Honestly so hungry I could eat a half dozen Paul is Dead.

While another user added:

Lol try a Paul is Dead sandwich. With cheese.

A piece of advice: If you’re to translate and you barelyknow a thing or two, get a “real” or “expert” translator.

As for Paul, wherever you are right now, may your soul find peace.

(H/T: Metro)

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